
Doctor Who: Really tragic realisation about Eleven

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Right. So. I shall bombard you with my thoughts. Luckily, for me, you do not know where I live and are therefore incapable of forming an angry mob and laying siege to my house, wielding torches, pitchforks and sonic blasters. Too bad, for you, since I may possibly annoy, depress and/or bore you to death.

Now, then. Let’s get started. A Fridge Tear Jerker about Eleven:

Yes, I am troping again. I shall explain for the uninitiated. However, I am a generous god and I choose to warn you first: Do NOT go to Tv Tropes. Don’t throw your lives away. Our sacrifice is enough. It's not your burden to bear.

Anyway, according to Tv Tropes, “Fridge Horror is, simply put, when something becomes terrifying after the fact. Maybe you thought about this or that plot point a little too hard, and suddenly you realize that everyone was trapped in stasis forever, or that the lovable child will grow up in a world where everyone around her is dead.” Compare and contrast (DON’T) to Fridge Brilliance and Fridge Logic.
A Tear Jerker is well, something that makes you cry. (Not necessarily literally cry, it’s usually just something very sad.)
Now combine the two and you get the idea.

Of course, the Doctor Who page at Tv Tropes contains a sizeable amount of Fridge Brilliance, Fridge Horror or Fridge Logic entries. However, as far as I know, nobody has yet pointed out this one. Please correct me if I am mistaken.

My thought process was as follows:
Hey, kids! You wanna make the Eleventh Doctor’s tenure even more depressing than it already is? I bet you do! Well, how are we gonna do that? Simple! Just analyse The Time of the Doctor!

So, in that episode we learn that the Doctor is out of regenerations. It’s all very sad and dramatic, oh he's going to die, Ten why did you do that, you idiot, oh the humanity, however is he going to get out of this one, oh woe is me, blah, blah, blah, you know the drill. Of course he's going to live, he's the title character!

However, to quote the Fourth Doctor, “you don’t understand the implications”.

I do. And the implications are that the Eleventh Doctor could have fucking died in every single episode since "The End of Time”.

Think about it. He's out of regenerations. When was the last time the Doctor regenerated? Oh.

As long as Eleven had been alive, he could have died just like a human, finito, no regeneration.
Every single fucking time he was going “look at me, I‘m target” and jumping in front of lasers and guns and explosions and hostile alien fleets and Daleks and monsters and generally speaking, having his usual complete disregard for his personal safety, oh, he could have been a bloody goner.

Do I need to count? The Eleventh Hour, Victory of the Daleks, Amy’s Choice, The Pandorica Opens, The Big Bang, The Impossible Astronaut, Let’s Kill Hitler, Asylum of the Daleks… okay, I’m stopping, you get my point. Why are we not making a big deal out of this?!

Granted, many of these occasions could have killed him anyway, even if he could regenerate, but still, this is not a pleasant thought.
Because he could have completely fucking died and he didn’t even know it.

And then, of course, comes the even more unpleasant bit, because what if he did?

And how long did he live like that, knowing it?
He obviously knows it during The Time of The Doctor but when did he realise for certain? How long has he been thinking that he's going to die?

(I mean, except from half of Series 6, there he thought it for different reasons, and oh my God, somebody give this poor guy a hug.)

Remember, he doesn’t really talk about regeneration. He mentions it in Nightmare in Silver but he could have been bluffing since he was threatening Mr. Clever (Besides, I don't think he can willingly, completely regenerate if he isn't dying anyway, but hey, the Cybermen don't need to know that!). He considers it in Let’s Kill Hitler but he wasn’t exactly thinking straight at the time, having been poisoned out of his goddamn mind and with only half an hour to live. (And the voice interface doesn’t say that he generally can’t regenerate, it says that it has been disabled, because you know, that’s what that poison does and what’s it being questioned about right now. And well, suppose he did discover it then, he still lived for several centuries after that.)

This is tragic as hell any way you slice it. You decide which option is worse.

Depressed ? Good, goooooood! Everything that has transpired has done so, according to my design!

* (Oh and by the way? Because I’ve heard people object that “Wait! He healed River’s wrist in the Episode That Shall Not Be Named Lest We All Drown In Whovian Tears! What gives?”
Let’s just say that he had a little leftover energy from Ten’s aborted regeneration, since it was not exactly a complete one or that there was some left from when River healed him in Let’s Kill Hitler. And anyway, it’s another matter to heal some broken bones and another to change EVERY FREAKING CELL in your body. Many consider regenerations to be general “packets” of energy and that a Time Lord has “more or less” enough to completely regenerate 12 times. It is entirely possible than one would have a little leftover energy in his last incarnation anyway, but that it wouldn’t be enough to change bodies. Which could be why the Doctor gave it to River without any hesitation, although, knowing him, I believe he would have done so even if he could change.)
Tv tropes strike again. I have way too much free time and Doctor Who is slowly but surely invading my brain. Oh God, send help1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234
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DrX-Raven's avatar
To be fair, they were planning on bringing 9 back, until he said no, so they got John Hurt.

Also, why am I not surprised when this showed up in my inbox, it was you who made it